Rubbed And Plugged Buffalo Tenderloin
By Hookemharry

Posted: July 31, 2010

What you need.

One two to three pound buffalo tenderloin

Three cloves garlic – cut into thin strips

Olive oil

Kosher salt

Course ground black pepper

Barbecue sauce of choice


What you do.

Put small slits into the tenderloin and insert pieces of garlic into each slit. Now rub with olive oil and sprinkle with the Kosher salt and black pepper. Place on grill and carefully watch that it does not overcook. Cook until medium rare while turning and browning on all sides. Buffalo has no fat so do not overcook because it will get tough. Remove from grill and use your favorite barbecue sauce as a side dip and serve with hot fresh bread and bean dish of choice. Goes great with a cold light beer.

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