FWP Releases: Few Over the Counter and Surplus Hunting Licenses Available August 6 & Nonresidents can purchase Montana licenses
By Kelsey

Posted: July 28, 2012

What Licenses are available?

You can buy over-the-counter antelope licenses and surplus licenses for deer B, elk B and antelope beginning Aug. 6. There is a limited amount and they are going to go extremely fast  so mark your calendars!

Fish Wildlife and Parks News Release says:

“Hunters who hope to obtain a surplus license should plan ahead to be online or at a license provider that is open early, some licenses may sell out in a few minutes,” said Hank Worsech, the licensing section chief for FWP in Helena.

The scarcity of surplus licenses this year is due in part to a high number of hunters applying for fewer available licenses. The drop in “deer B” (antlerless) and antelope license quotas is a result of eastern Montana’s still recovering deer and antelope populations that suffered winter-kill losses in 2010-11. A subsequent bout of epizootic hemorrhagic disease last summer also killed many white-tailed deer, prompting FWP biologists to further reduce harvest quotas.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks offices will open at 8 a.m. on Aug. 6 to accommodate walk-in customers. Online sales will begin at approximately 5 a.m. Surplus licenses can be purchased online at fwp.mt.gov , and from any FWP license provider.  You can view the licenses to be sold now by going to fwp.mt.gov and following the link to surplus licenses on the home page.

Hunters may hold one either-sex and up to two doe/fawn antelope licenses, and may possess a total of seven deer B licenses in any combination via drawing, over-the-counter, or surplus purchase.


Here is the nitty gritty details:



 What licenses can Nonresidents purchase?

Nonresidents can purchase Montana big game and elk combination hunting licenses online or over-the-counter at any Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks office. The licenses, good for antlered deer and elk in most hunting districts, can be used during the archery and general hunting seasons.

Fish Wildlife and Parks News Release says:

“This year, nonresidents can buy an elk license online, or over-the-counter from any FWP office,” said Hank Worsech, the licensing section chief for FWP in Helena. “Nobody has to apply or wait weeks for drawing results.”

First-come, first-served nonresident hunting licenses now available include: Montana’s big game combination license for $939, the elk combination license for $789. Montana’s nonresident combination hunting licenses allow one to hunt for deer and elk or elk and include season conservation, fishing, and upland game bird licenses; and the hunting-access enhancement fee.

Montana’s archery season runs Sept. 1—Oct. 14. Archers must meet archery and hunter education requirements. The general big game season runs Oct. 20—Nov. 25. Montana annually provides about 17,000 elk combo licenses and 6,600 deer combo licenses for nonresident hunters.

For more information on these Montana nonresident hunting licenses, visit FWP’s website at fwp.mt.gov. Click “2012 Nonresident Big Game & Elk Combo Licenses“.

Deer and elk are found throughout most of Montana. Hunters enjoy nearly 35 million acres of National Forest and other public land, as well as 8 million acres of land made available through the Block Management Program. Hunters must follow all regulations and seek permission to hunt on private property.



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