What Do You “Carry” in Your Purse?
By angelamontana

Posted: May 21, 2013

You have probably wondered what women keep in their purses–especially the bigger purses.  I can’t even tell you how many times I have needed something random like a safety pin or even whiteout, and somebody around me digs through their purse and produces exactly what I need.

Well, the girl in the video has purse contents  more similar to what I have in mine.  See what her top 5 items to pack in her purse are, and make sure you watch number five!  As long as you know how to safely and accurately use and store everything you “carry”, more power to you!

[youtube id=”qrhSf8CEgC8″ width=”600″ height=”350″]

(Adhere to all safety precautions when handling firearms, and it is strongly recommended to not carry a firearm unless you know how to safely do so and know how to use it)
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