Kids Fishing Day a Success
By angelamontana

Posted: June 10, 2013
(Above image courtesy of

North central Montana’s annual kid’s fishing day in Great Falls was again a success, with about 1,600 people attending the three-hour event.

The final head count for Saturday’s event was approximately 850 youngsters and 750 adults, at the 20th annual aquatic education event at Wadsworth Pond on the west side of Great Falls.

Nearly 100 volunteers helped from Walleyes Unlimited, Missouri River Flyfishers, Malmstrom AFB, U.S. Forest Service, Fish, Wildlife and Parks, and the fishing clubs from Great Falls’ North and East Middle Schools.

Children who attended received either a free rod and reel combo or tackle box after visiting four education stations: fly tying, fish identification, knot tying and casting.

(Report by Bruce Auchly – Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks)
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