Talking to Bulls–Practice Makes Perfect
By angelamontana

Posted: September 17, 2013

Elk bugling requires knowledge, skill and practice.  I have witnessed some incredibly amazing bugles, coming from hunters, that even sounded better than the actual bull bugles-ha.

Everybody has their own tips and tricks on how to call in a bull, but a successful bugle ultimately comes down to sounding just like a bull, rather than a person trying to sound like one.  The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has an example on their website of a bull bugling and a couple of different cow calls, along with some facts about elk–click HERE.  Hearing bulls and cows “talk” is important for anybody calling in elk.  If you haven’t ever heard a bull bugle, chances are you will most likely just scare the elk away rather than call them in.

Below is a video of a hunter bugling that I recently recorded, and he got a response from a nearby bull.  We want to see your bugling videos and get your tips.  Post your videos on our Facebook page at

(Video and photo: Angela Montana)

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