Party Planner!! (by Montana Grant)
By angelamontana

Posted: February 15, 2016

Everyone wants to experience wonderful outdoor adventures, but many are too lazy to plan them. We all get wound up in our jobs, families, and challenges, and forget to plan ahead for a quest. When we reach the end of our life’s trail, we will not be wishing that we could spend more time at work or being bored.

Now is the time to start dreaming, and preparing for this season’s menu of adventures. Start off with a spring fishing fling. Opening days are a great time to get a bunch of fishing buddies together and celebrate. These special days for a crowd include fishing, but fishing is not the only priority. Someone needs to coordinate the events before, during, and after.

Not everyone is a “Party Planner”! This unique skill requires planners to be the Guide, Outfitter, entertainer, manager, and fall guy, all rolled into one. Great planners can get tired of doing all of the work, so make sure that you support and reward them. Plan a party and they will come!

Attend an Outdoor Show as a posse to get some great ideas, and celebrate the sport with throngs of other sportsmen. Take a backpack to carry all of the pamphlets and goodies that you pick up at the show.

Plan a wild game and fish party. Everyone can bring a covered dish. Scan your old photos and set them up as a slide show for everyone to see. Put the old photo albums out and play your favorite tunes. Make and present some fun and silly awards.

Campfires, campouts, treks, drifts, and quests become the most special moments that we remember vividly. How many times have you been at work or hating life, and suddenly remember catching a fish, tagging an antler, climbing a peak, shooting the rapids, or just celebrating the outdoors?

We have all daydreamed about those great adventures, and they seem to give our life purpose, direction, and strength. Reliving stories, jokes, smells, tastes, and feelings, defines us as human beings. We are a product of our experiences.

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but there are only so many opening days, seasons, and time in our mortal lives. The real “Downer” is wasting these moments.

So get out your datebook and begin to make a plan and a guest list. Let’s see; first ice fishing, then trout season, next turkey time, summer campouts , more fall fun and…

CHEERS and great sporting !!!!

Montana Grant

For more Montana Grant, visit his website at

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