Gunnar Ulberg Rocks 3rd Year Program at 2015 MTA Youth Trapper Camp!
By angelamontana

Posted: April 4, 2016

Happy trappers with a tiny rat and a raccoon.

One Montana trapper, in particular, had a pretty awesome, brag-worthy experience at the Montana Trappers Association’s Youth Trapper Camp last year.  With special thanks to Scott Sponholz and Duke Darlington, who helped out teaching the young trappers in the 3rd year program, Gunnar Ulberg and his group proved that “youth and skill overcomes age and treachery!”


The tiniest muskrat.

The participants in the 3rd year program were ready to set some traps and put the knowledge they were taught to use.  Miranda Minnow was not only a participant, but also the 2015 Miss Teen Montana–and she was also in Gunnar’s group. The overall trapping success of the group started out pretty slim, BUT, Gunnar ended up trapping a small muskrat and a raccoon AND even out-trapped everybody else!  The former Miss Teen Rodeo Montana was partial to the muskrat Gunnar caught, and I’m sure Gunnar enjoyed showing her how he got it.  Rumor has it that Gunnar’s group was the most goofy/fun.  😀

What more could a young trapper ask for?  Not only did he get to do some trapping, but he got to show off his trapping skills for Montana’s Miss Teen Rodeo!  Excellent work, Gunnar!  We look forward to hearing about your experiences from this year’s upcoming Youth Trapper Camp!

If you are interested in learning about the Montana Trappers Association’s Youth Trapper Camp, click here.


The tiniest muskrat.


The boys after a morning of Bitterroot varmint control work.

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