Hunters Accidently Aid in Bull Harvest
By Toby Trigger

Posted: September 25, 2016

Sometimes having other hunters nearby will ruin your day.  Other times they help you and don’t even know it.

Matt Nicoll was hunting in his super secret mountain range when he heard bulls bugling several hundreds yards above a forest service road.  He snuck in close and watched bulls nearly within bow range bugling back to hunters who were sitting on the road cow calling.

Every time they called the bulls would respond far above them, but they had no idea that they were helping Matt keep track of where the bulls were without giving up his own location by calling close.  When a hunter gets close to elk and calls, the result is often losing the advantage.  Once elk hear a call they keep their eyes focussed, waiting to see an elk emerge from where the calls came from.

When conditions are right the bulls may come charging in for a closer look but it’s best to remain unknown as long as possible.

A feeding bull walked slowly past Matt at 30 yards after bugling back to the hunters on the road.  Matt was already in position and made good on his arrow, watching in amazement as the big bull slid several hundred feet until twisting up in a small tree in the middle of a chute below.

Archery bull

Competition isn’t always a bad thing, in fact, sometimes it’s just the thing you need to punch your tag!

Congratulations to Matt on a great bull and for using the situation of competing hunters to your advantage!

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