The Camaraderie of Becoming an Outdoors Woman
By angelamontana

Posted: January 22, 2020

Are you a woman who craves outdoor activities and enjoys learning new things?  Do you love being among women with similar interests?  If so, this FWP program is for you!

Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) program is designed to introduce women to outdoor skills. The BOW program provides participants with information, encouragement and hands-on instruction in outdoor skills such as fishing, shooting, archery, map & compass, survival, canoeing and outdoor cooking.

A BOW workshop is for you if…
  • You have never tried these activities, but have hoped for an opportunity to learn.
  • You are a beginner who hopes to improve your skills.
  • You know how to do some of these activities, but would like to try your hand at some new ones.
  • You enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded individuals and you seek time away to reconnect with nature.

BOW offers partial scholarships for women aged 18 years and older who are full-time residents of Montana and who have not previously attended a BOW event. These scholarships enable women to participate in BOW who otherwise may not be able to afford the full registration fee. Recipients may receive only one scholarship in a lifetime. Contact the BOW Coordinator if you are seeking a partial scholarship.

2 women in a canoe

BOW group with sign

2 ladies eating berries

4 ladies ready for a hike

2 women building bird houses

A bunch of ladies on bikes

Women on a large boulder

Woman with a horse

Woman with a large fish she just caught, ice fishing

Woman studying maps

Woman shooting at a shooting range, with an instructor

Women painting

Woman very proud of her target


Ice Fishing in Bozeman

February 7-8, Bozeman, MT

This class is for the beginner or intermediate ice angler who wants to learn or improve her fishing skills. At the class Friday evening we’ll learn about ice fishing gear, dressing to stay warm, and how to be safe on the ice. Saturday morning we’ll be fishing on the ice where you can try out ice augers, fishing shelters, and hopefully catch fish!

See registration form for more details. Cost is $15 and registrations forms must be mailed. Call Sara at (406) 444-5280 with questions.

Ice Fishing in Billings

February 7-8, Billings, MT

This class is for the beginner or intermediate ice angler who wants to learn or improve her fishing skills. At the class Friday evening we’ll learn about ice fishing gear, dressing to stay warm, and how to be safe on the ice. Saturday morning we’ll be fishing on the ice where you can try out ice augers, fishing shelters, and hopefully catch fish!

See registration form for more details. Cost is $15 and registrations forms must be mailed. Call Megan at (406) 247-2966 with questions.

Snowshoe Class in Butte

Saturday, February 15 from 1-3:30pm, Butte, MT

Snowshoeing is a great way to get outside in the winter, and it’s also a great workout! Join BOW and Hallie from the Nomadic Ice Axe to learn about the different types of snowshoes and their benefits, how to put on and take off snowshoes, and how to travel uphill and downhill.

Cost is $5, see registration for more details. Call Sara at (406) 444-5280 with questions.

Bowhunting 101

Saturday February 29, Missoula, MT

If you are interested in bowhunting, then this is the workshop for you! Join our knowledgeable instructors for an introduction to bowhunting where we will talk about why we hunt, the realities of bowhunting, hunting licenses and laws, bows and arrows, hunting equipment and gear, calling, wilderness preparedness, physical fitness, and how to find places to hunt.

See registration form for more details. Cost is $5 and registration is required. Call Sara at (406) 444-5280 with questions.

Contact Us

For further information on Becoming an Outdoors Woman visit the national BOW website. If you are interested in information on the next the Becoming an Outdoors-Woman workshop in Montana, contact:

  • Becoming an Outdoors-Woman
  • Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks
  • P.O. Box 200701
  • Helena, MT 59620-0701
  • Sara Smith
  • Montana BOW Coordinator
  • (406) 444-5280
  • Email
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