By Montana Grant

Posted: June 7, 2020

Tough and rugged MEN that needed to survive in Montana’s wilderness carried a ‘Purse”! Their purse was called a “Possibles Bag”. This shoulder slung; waist long bag would hold everything they thought they would possibly need in an emergency.

A modern woman carries a purse filled with a ton of necessary stuff they need. Tissues, keys, makeup, meds, money, pepper spray, gum, and who knows what else. Everything has a purpose and may “possibly” come in handy.

The essential Mountain Men carried a bag full of survival gear.

Pipe, tobacco



Eating utensils

Bullets, flints, caps, patch, ball, lead, molds, parts, or jags

Snares or small traps. Fishing hooks

The fringe on the bag served as quick strings or zip ties

Fire making kit

Dried food, roots, beans, coffee.

Cards, dice, or trinkets that made for stories or memories

Dried Buffalo scrotum to carry water

Whatever they carried was minimalistic at best. They also had a gun, pistols, several knives, and a hatchet. A small backpack may have carried some extra clothing, shelter half, or whatever else they were willing to haul. The knives were as big as Bowie knives to small patch cutters. They needed to match the moment.

I never saw any Mountain Man, worth his salt, pull out a lipstick!

“Watch yer topknot! “

Montana Grant

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