By Montana Grant

Posted: February 11, 2021

Trout come in may colors, but Blue certainly can be a surprise. Years ago, I remember reading about how the Native Peoples and Mountain Men would cook fish I geothermal features. They would gut the fish and tie them to a cord for a 5-minute dunk into a hot spring.

One of my first limits of Cutthroat trout came near Steamboat Point on Yellowstone Lake. There was a hot spring steaming nearby, so I made a quick shore lunch. I ate the fresh fish off a flat rock. Delicious.

Now they say that the geothermal waters contain all sorts of toxins, but it did not kill me or the Native peoples. Cutthroat trout work well using this recipe.

The French have an outdoor recipe called Blue Trout. It was originally made along the east coast using small brook trout. The process turns the fish a shade of blue. This recipe idea will certainly broaden your fish meal horizons.

Blue Trout

Kill the fresh trout and clean them but leave the head on.

You need enough vinegar to drop the fish in. Flavor the vinegar with Tarragon and bring to a boil.

Plunge the fish into the boiling vinegar one at a time, for about half a minute. Now plunge the fish into ice cold water until the fish flesh turns blue. Using a cord through the fish’s mouth makes for easier handling and serving.

Now boil the fish, in the vinegar bath, for 5 minutes. When the meat easily flakes off the fish, it is done.

I have seen this recipe done using 3 parts of water to 1 part of vinegar. Add 6 peppercorns, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 Bay Leaf. Boil the fish for 4-6 minutes, based on the fish’s size. The fish will turn blue but not as bright. The Tarragon also adds a different flavor. I also always add some Old Bay seasoning, just because.

Blue trout will add color to your fish meal!

Montana Grant

For more Montana Grant, find him, and his Blue eyes at



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