Big Bull Elk Caught on Camera by Mary Beth Kibler
By Hookemharry

Posted: September 3, 2012

Our very own field corespondent Mary Beth Kibler, from Kibler Charter Fishing sent us a couple of amazing pictures of an Elk herd close to her home. Mary Beth counted 45 cows and 2 big bulls. She thought their might have been a few spikes, but she couldn’t tell. Shortly after she spotted another 8 cows, but didn’t snag a picture of them.


I thought you would enjoy seeing some of the pictures Myron took on the short circle we made last night. There were 45 cows and 2 bigger bulls, …there may have been small spikes we didn’t see. We saw another bunch of 8 cows, but they were a lot further away than these. – Mary Beth Kibler

Here is a shot of the herd from a distance:

Where are the bulls?


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