We all remember our first successful harvests during hunting seasons of the past, don’t we? The stories that go along with these hunts can range from slightly embarrassing to extremely awesome, but they remain the most memorable because they were our firsts.
Coral Maxwell, a Montana native from Darby, completed the hunter’s safety course in 1973 and has been hunting in Montana for the last 40 years. She has a picture with each of her first harvested animals taken over the years, and that makes for a pretty cool set of pictures.
Check out her hunting “firsts” below:
Montana Fishing Report 9-14-24
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CAMP BREAKFASTS!!! by Montana Grant
By angelamontana
MT Outdoor Podcast: Meet the Gear Genius Behind TKI CNC who is Revolutionizing Outdoor Gear
USFWS Completes 5-Year Status Review for Bull Trout in the Lower 48 States
By Moosetrack Megan
Biden administration asks court to lift remaining gray wolf protections
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Sneak Peek: MT Outdoor Podcast Gets the Deets on Mind-Blowing Outdoor Innovations from Tom Kobza with TKI CNC!
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