Seeing pictures of non-typical bucks is one thing, but it is even cooler to see a video of one. According to, a post from October of 2011 states that Energizer is Co-owned by S & S Whitetails Galore, Ward Whitetail Farm, and Todd Rawlake.
The site also validates the size of Energizer by stating that “He was scored by 2 Master Scorers (one of which has been an official NADEFA scorer for several years) 589 0/8 ”
Inside spread is 34″ and he has an amazing 101 scorable points including 12 or more that are over 10.”
The genetics in this monster are awesome. Check out this handsome beauty in the video below:
[youtube id=”oZSDWw6JVfk” width=”600″ height=”350″]