Daylight Saving Time Kicks In – Time To Get Your Boats Ready
By Kamp Cook

Posted: March 9, 2013

Hear the statewide reports from the latest edition of the Montana Outdoor Radio Show. (3/9/13)

March 9th Summaries
Angie at Bob Wards says in Helena people are still catching kokannee at the Helena Holding Reservoir, get there early in the morning for a good haul.  In the Butte area the warmer weather has anglers on the rivers, with the Big Hole and Beaverhead as choice spots, and the Jefferson has done pretty good as well.
Bill Brown at Bob Wards says folks are getting ready for the “Mack Attack” doing a little pre-fishing, catching them in 50-80ft of water along the shoreline. Como
Brett French Outdoor editor of the Billings Gazette says in the Billings area the nicer weather got people out last week, and the ice in the Billings area going to start thinning out if the winds come in with the expected 50 degree weather.
Chancy at Snappy’s says the fishing is still doing pretty well in the area. Folks getting out on FlatheadLake and doing well getting some nice trout on the delta off the bottom, 10-20ft of water with bait fish.
Dale from Don’s in Lewistown says Spring Creek through town has had some midge action, and the ice on AckleyLake is soft and requires caution.  
Dallas at Highline Cleaners in Chester says the ice is pretty iffy, and maybe its time to fish the river below the dam.
John Harris from Lakeside Resort in Trout Creek says folks are catching walleye behind Trout Creek and the Resort.
Leonard from Robert’s Bait and Tackle says Holter’s getting boats in down by the gates, and getting down as far as cottonwood.
Mary Beth Kibler of Kibler Outfitting says the ice is still holding up at Hellcreek, but its opened up around the edges.
Robert from Malta Marine says fishing on Nelson slowed up on walleye and perch.
Ron Aashiem says the big news this week is the March 15th deadline for applying for either sex elk and buck deer.
Shelby from Rocky Mountain Supply in Dillon says the ice on Clark Canyon getting pretty soft, but the ling fishing has really turned on using McFadden Ling jigs also jigging with a little piece of nightcrawler is good.
Woody from Woody’s Lures in Townsend says the ice is still pretty good in the White Sulpher Springs area, fishing wise its been up and down. 

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