The 31st Annual Pinhead Classic at Bridger Bowl – Montana Ski Report
By Kelsey

Posted: March 2, 2013

The longest running telemark ski festival in the country took place today at 32 years and still going strong, called the Pinhead Classic held at Bridger Bowl 15 minutes outside of Bozeman, MT. Today was full of festive outfits, races, big air even theatrical performances. It was quite the scene out at Bridger Bowl today, you could say it was almost ‘Hot Dog’ status as the telemark and festivity joiners were bouncing down those moguls and shredding down the hill.

The theme for this year was NASCAR and Tele-dega, it was ‘onesies’ and jean jackets galore. Mullet watching was at it’s prime, legitimate mullet cuts and steps were sightings today. It was hard to ignore the energy, fun and live music over at the Pinhead Classic today.

You will most likely want to attend next year, whether you are a telemarketer or not.  It is almost like a closing weekend party.


CLICK HERE to watch the live stream from this year’s event!


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