Closing Weekend at Whitefish Mountain
By OutdoorAly

Posted: April 6, 2013

Spring skiing in Montana can bring many different conditions. Anything from icy crust to mushy snow or blue bird days. Closing weekend at Whitefish Mountain brought a little bit of everything.

The day started out wet and rainy, so we layered up and headed for the top in hopes of better weather. There was enough of a temperature drop on the backside to provide consistent snow coverage, but a thick fog layer and flat light made for slow turns to the bottom.

After making it down a couple runs on the backside, we ventured to the front of Whitefish Mountain with Hellroaring Saloon in site. After being seated and ordering nachos a costume-clad crowd drew our attention.

That is where we found many contestants for the pond skimming competition gearing up for the big event. Two of my favorites were Marti Gras/Lingerie Tree and Kayak search engine guys. Somehow I happened to get both in one picture!


The pond skim actually brought all four seasons in one. It started with rain, then hail, then fat fluffy snowflakes, then blistering wind. And finally a glimpse of sunshine. This day just proves the old Montana saying: if you don’t like the weather, just wait five minutes.


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