Canyon Ferry: The rainbow trout bite has slowed down throughout the reservoir as water temperatures increase. Trolling attractors (cowbells or spoon variations), tipped with worms, has worked best at depths around 20 feet near the Dam, Cemetery Island and mid reservoir. A few shoreline anglers are catching fish using worms and/or marshmallows along north end shores. The walleye bite has heated up throughout the reservoir. Successful anglers are trolling worm harnesses or cranks (pink, orange or green), in 4 to 35 feet of water, or jigging (orange or perch) bay points, in 2 to 30 feet of water, from mid reservoir to the Dam. Perch are being caught while searching for walleye. Adam Strainer, FWP, Helena
Hauser: Rainbows are still being caught around Black Sandy and White Sandy from both shore and boat. Boat fishing is best in the early morning while trolling cowbells. Shore anglers are having success with Powerbait. Walleye fishing is getting really good in the Causeway and around Devil’s Elbow using bottom bouncers or jigs with a Mr. Twister tail. The Causeway Bridge area has produced walleye from shore while using jigs tipped with a leech. Troy Humphrey, FWP, Helena
Holter: Rainbow fishing is still good while trolling cowbells tipped with a worm or Little Cleos from Split Rock to the Dam. Shore action for rainbows is slow with a few being caught at Departure Point on Powerbait. A few walleye are being caught while using bottom bouncers with a leech around Cottonwood Creek and the Sleeping Giant area. Perch fishing has slowed down with a few being caught in 6 to 15 feet of water around the clay banks or any small bays. Troy Humphrey, FWP, Helena
(Report by Adam Strainer and Troy Humphrey – Montana FWP; Photo: