Spring turkey season has kicked off, and spring bear is coming soon, but spring fishing is red hot. Hear the latest hunting and fishing reports from around Big Sky country, from the most recent episode of the Montana Outdoor Radio Show.
April 12th Summaries
Bill Brown at Bob Wards says area fishing is doing very well. The Clark Fork is a bit off color, the Bitterroot is still fairly clear up around the Darby area, but BrownsLake is still frozen over and not safe. In Hamilton, fishing the Bitterroot River skwalas are starting to crawl around on the rocks and doing well.
Bill from the Rock Marina says their a little less ice on the lake.
Brett French Outdoor editor of the Billings Gazette is turkey hunting and shares this weeks report.
Chancy at Snappy’s says most of area lakes are opened up, and folks are fishing EchoLake already picking up small mouth bass, rainbows, and kokannee.
Charlie from Don’s in Lewistown says fishing the area ponds is producing, and there is a soft bite on the Missouri for walleye, sauger, and catfish.
Cindy Benson has our Spring Mack Days update. For more information go online to www.mackdays.com
Dallas at Highline Cleaners in Chester says the river below Tiber dam is fair and few guys been fishing around the edges of the lake, and by Easter weekend the Lake should be opened up.
Joe Herbold from Jordan says HellcreekBay on Ft Peck is open water.
John Harris from Lakeside Resort in Trout Creek says shore fishing has been picking up.
Leonard from Robert’s Bait and Tackle says Holter is all open.
Marshall Johnson Regional Director of the Mule Deer Foundation talks about the foundation & the April 12th Banquet.
Mary Beth Kibler of Kibler Outfitting says area warmth is helping the ice to finish melting off Ft Peck. To book your Summer fishing trip call Kibler Outfitting at 406-557-2503.
Rob from Ronan Sports & Western says Yellow Perch are starting to bite in the East Bay of Flathead Lake.
Ron Aashiem says the draw for bull and buck permits is this week, and to see your results go online to www.fwp.mt.gov
Ryan from Bob Wards says in the Bozeman & Butte areas the Upper Madison is still hit or miss so use nymphs, but on the warmer days switch it up to dry flies, midges, and a smaller stone fly. In HelenaCanyonFerryLake is taking off, and the trout are spawning.
Shawn Plakke Elk Hunting Guru has a Tip this Week for turkey hunters.
Tammy from Northwest Sports in Eureka says the fishing is picking up folks are starting to catch kokannee on LakeKoocanusa.
Teresa Mondale talks about the Mule Deer Foundation Banquet April 12th.
Trevor Johnson of Kit’s Tackle talks about the Glasgow/Ft Peck Walleye’s Unlimited Annual Banquet.
Woody from Woody’s Lures in Townsend says White Sulpher Springs area rivers are still doing well. For more information or to learn more about getting into the tackle industry call Rudy’s at 406-266-3841.
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