In the Odyssey, Homer wrote of Greek mythological creatures, the beautiful femme fatales known as Sirens. Today, we have new group of beauties and they are also known as Syrens. Syren is a new shotgun line from the Italian firm Cesar Guerini and Fabarm. These guns are designed and built for women and it’s long past time smoothbore manufacturers paid attention to the needs of female shooters.
As firearms manufacturers go, Cesar Guerini is a young company. It was founded in 2002 with the aim of providing quality O/U shotguns at reasonable prices. They have been extremely successful because their guns are a real value. A few years ago Guerini acquired Fabarm and began producing gas operated semi-auto shotguns. And just last year the company added the Syren line of shotguns for women.
Over the years I have instructed and coached many female students in the clay target sports. I found that few can find a shotgun “off the rack” that fits. Gun fit is the most important element in becoming an efficient and effective shotgunner. Because shotgunning is an instinctive activity, (remember we point, not aim, a shotgun) an ill-fitting gun in not conducive to a repeatable gun mount; every time the gun is mounted differently or improperly, the point of impact is likely to change, resulting in missed targets.
There a quite a few parameters used in determining stock dimensions; I won’t bore you with all the nuances of each, but after studying the specifications for a few of the Syren offerings, a couple of items stand out. First, the length of pull is shorter, a good thing for smaller framed adults. I have found that a higher comb normally works better for women and Syren addresses this need quite well. The Syren guns all have a shorter reach, the distance from the grip to the trigger, enabling those with smaller hands to get proper purchase on the trigger. Other dimensions, such as cast and pitch, should also help women achieve a good and repeatable gun fit.
The Syren inventory consists of five O/U and one semi-auto field models; two O/U and one semi-auto sporting guns. The suggested MSRPs for the semi-auto guns start at $ 1995.00 and the O/Us begin at $ 2995.00. While these prices may seem a bit high to some, a quick trip to other manufacturer’s web sites will show that these shotguns are very competitively priced and are a good or even greater value for the dollar than just about any other guns on the market. The guns are full featured, the styling is exquisite, the wood is gorgeous, and all the models come with great warranties.
For years, manufacturers simply shortened stocks and barrels, added a pink logo, and called the result a “ladies” gun. Syren has changed the game and the world of guns designed for women has finally come into the 21st century. The new Syren line gives female shooter a real option to have an “off the rack” gun that will fit them and be a joy to shoot. And I believe other manufacturers will have to follow suit in order to compete for women shooter’s business. That’s a really good thing for all of us who love the shotgun sports.
So ladies, no more excuses! Get some instruction, a shotgun, and enjoy busting some clays.
Be safe and good shooting.
Colonel Smoothbore