Lake Como Triathlon Registration Now Open
By Toby Trigger

Posted: March 29, 2015

Want to be ready for hunting season but hate boring workouts at the gym?

Triathlon training provides a good excuse to be outside and challenge yourself physically.  Race events are fun and get you in the right frame of mind to take on anything when that bull is bugling up on the mountain or you finally spot the mule deer buck you’ve been dreaming about all year on the next ridge.

The Lake Como Triathlon consists of a 0.9 mile swim, 12.6 mile mountain bike course and a 7.7 mile run around the lake on a trail.  If training for and completing this race doesn’t get you in shape for your hunt this season nothing will!

This years event will be held on July 25, 2015.    You can also sign up as a race volunteer. Registration Opened March 23rd and they can fill up fast!!!There are discounts for early registration and entries are limited so sign up now!

For more information visit:

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