Rock Creek Floating and Fishing Update 3/7/15
By Kamp Cook

Posted: March 7, 2015

The sunshine is making everyone get the floating itch. Boats are already getting busted out of storage and floating season is just around the corner. Carolyn Persico of Rock Creek Fishermans Merchantile recently sent us an update on the latest condition on Rock Creek.

According to Carolyn

Rock Creek has problems on the Lower Fire Ring to Elkhorn /Tamarack float.  The  Elkhorn/Tamarack take out is closed because of a large cottonwood tree that has fallen across the river.  It is suggested to take out at Spring Creek.  Parking is limited so you may have to park at the wide area located at Elkhorn  and walk to get your vehicle.
There is also a Cottonwood across the Creek at the 9.4 mile area. This tree comes from the far bank and could require portage on the right side of the creek.
You’re welcome to come into Rock Creek Fisherman’s Mercantile to get any new information on obstacles on the Creek as we hear of them.
Wade fishing is recommended.
Carolyn Persico. Rock Creek Fisherman’s Mercantile
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