A Moose in North Dakota? Yep. Really.
By angelamontana

Posted: September 16, 2015

Marshall Johnson, of Billings and who is the Regional Director of the Mule Deer Foundation, was driving through North Dakota a few days ago and spotted something unusual for the area just south of Stanley–a cow moose!  Stanley is located approximately 104 miles northeast of Fairfield, MT (which is right on the border not too far from Sidney).  Marshall posted the picture on Facebook and included that he verified it was a cow moose with his “trusty Vortex Diamondback Binos that I purchased at an MDF banquet. Plus I had a witness in the car with me.”

Obviously, this isn’t typical moose habitat, so it is a pretty cool find.

Have you ever seen a moose in an area that you wouldn’t expect to see one?  Let us know!

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