Montana State Parks is seeking comment on proposed changes to the Smith River State Park and river corridor biennial rule. Public comments will be accepted through Jan. 19 at 5 p.m.
The rule sets fees, permit requirements and guidelines for private, commercial and landowner float trips on the popular Smith River.
The proposed draft rule would change language related to homemade bear-resistant storage containers for storing food, garbage and other attractants. While certified homemade containers will still be allowed, capacity for certifying these containers is limited. Removing language which references these containers is meant to better align visitor expectations with the limited availability of certification professionals. The remaining edits/changes to the rule are grammatical to improve consistency and understanding of terminology and the recognition of a new commercial outfitter. The proposed rule does not include any fee changes.
The draft rule received tentative approval from the Montana State Parks and Recreation Board on Dec. 14. To review the proposed biennial rule, go to and click on Public Comments.
Read the full Billings Gazette article here
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