Location in Plains donated to CSKT AIS Program to run an inspection station
By angelamontana

Posted: May 22, 2019

The old Town Pump location in Plains has donated the parking lot to the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes on a month-to-month basis to use as an AIS inspection station. Currently, the Tribes operate an inspection station in Ravalli from 7am-7pm, beginng May 15th, the Ravalli station will be open 24hrs.

The decision was made by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks to close the Thompson Falls AIS inspection station, for this reason, the highway 200 inspection station is being moved from Elmo to Plains to duplicate efforts and move to a more central location. This station will capture the boat traffic directly from Highway 200, traveling through, that might otherwise be missed.

Prevention is the only solution. Once established, invasive mussels will be here forever! They are virtually impossible to remove. Tiny, razor-sharp shells would coat and clog every hard surface on the lake-rocks, boats, docks and dams.

For more information, go to http://csktnomussels.org or contact Erik Hanson, Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator for the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes, at (406) 883-2888 or Erik.Hanson@cskt.org.


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