By Montana Grant

Posted: May 23, 2019

Lately, I have been hearing about many new dogs around the valley. It seems like dogs are hatching faster than the Caddis. New pups need a new name. As with kids, new owners will be using them a lot.

How should you name a new dog?

Pick a short, one syllable name.   Make sure that the name does not sound like any commands such as “Sit, Stay, Come, No, Whoa, or Fetch”. Humans are supposed to be smarter than dogs and can help set the stage for success.

Use parts of names from past dogs.   We have all had our loved pups cross the Rainbow Bridge. Keep their names alive. Ex. I had two great dogs that passed within a few months. Their names were Sheba, ‘Sheeb”, and Coalby “Coal”.  We merged their names to become “Shelby” and call her “Shell”.

Use different names     In the Gallatin Valley where I live, if you call for a dog named, “Bridger”, “Rocky”, or “Madison”, you will be stampeded by a herd of dogs.  It is ok to be creative with your special names.

Whatever name you choose, make it with love. This new family member will be your Best Pal for a decade or more.

Give them a cookie for me!

Montana Grant

For more Montana Grant, bark at him at

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