LIBBY, Mont. June 17, 2019 – The Libby Ranger District will be starting fuels reduction work in the Flower Creek area soon. The project is in the wildland urban interface and includes a total of 40 acres (2 units at 20 acres each); one along the main Flower Creek Road and the other behind a gate with restricted public driving access.
This fuels work is part of a process to reduce hazardous fuels in the city municipal watershed in order to minimize high severity wildfire. The work will be accomplished using an excavator with a masticating head to grind the fuels into smaller pieces. It is extremely dangerous to be near this equipment, as pieces of wood can be thrown up to 300 feet from the machine.
Signs will be posted along the project the area and people should avoid the area while work is in progress. The work is expected to last through July.
For more information on the fuels project, please contact the Libby Ranger District at 406-293-7773.