By Montana Grant

Posted: January 19, 2020

Not all MEN enjoy baking or cooking. Many wives seem to feel that their husbands are different. We all have friends that married some guy that they could renovate and train. Good luck with that. Sadly, Men are what we are. Like us or leave us!

One of my buddies, Captain Tom, hates baking. Heck, he will do almost anything else, but baking is not a joy to him. Its ok if every man is different and has different choices. I love to bake and cook but… Anyway, Captain Tom’s wife decided that Tom needed to become a baker.

The dough was rolled, flour was flying in the air, aprons were worn, Holiday tunes were playing on the radio and Tom was hating life!

“How can I get out of this he asked himself?” His creative brain began to churn and soon he came up with a solution. Science and Anatomy were a couple of Captain Tom’s strengths so, he began to create anatomically correct gingerbread men and women. “Deck the halls with boughs of holly” changed dramatically. Need I say more.

His wife decided to exclude Captain Tom from all future baking opportunities!

Montana Grant

For more Montana Grant, find him cooking at

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