By Montana Grant

Posted: May 7, 2020

As we trek back into our local retail stores and more crowded community areas, remember your manners. We are out of practice with being friendly and happy. The quarantine has made us shy, fearful, and stressed out.

Wearing facemasks does not help. Everyone looks like a Burglar! Burglars look like everyone else. They must be loving this. People wearing facemasks frown and give you a dirty look, I think, at people that do not. Even though the Facemask Science is sketchy, people want to do something to be safe and not be a part of the problem. This has become confusing.

I have found that I need to make the first step to be friendly. Once you say Howdy or allow a mother and child to go ahead of you in line, folks start to lighten up. If you get closer than 6 feet to someone, they become fearful that your presence is going to take them out. Body language never lies, oh and we look like Burglars!

The Curbside Pickup is a great new idea! I called a Home Depot order in and pulled up to the first and closest parking spot. You call to let them know that you are there, and a kid brings out your order and loads it! I hope this service continues. All you need to do is rub elbows with the employee and say Thank You!

6 Foot distancing at restaurants is not a bad idea. We have all had to squeeze into a small table, that usually rocks, next to some HUGE patron that has 9 coats stacked on the back of their chair. Now we can spread out. We no longer must listen to the conversation over our shoulder.

Social distancing afield or along waterways is a no brainer. We head outdoors for more personal space. Of course, many snobby fly fishermen will never be happy if you are within half a mile of their special spot.

Personally, I enjoy people. We were raised to hold doors, say hello, be respectful, and give service to others. As a retired School Teacher, I talk to everyone. I hope this Pandemic does not take away the good manners of just being friendly!

Please say Howdy!

Montana Grant

For more Montana Grant, find him being friendly at

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