By Montana Grant

Posted: May 16, 2020

Getting skunked stinks! No fishermen or hunter ever wants to admit that they did not score or catch a fish. If anything, the stories seem to end up with opposite stories that skirt the truth.

Skunked fishermen often brag about how they enjoyed the day and how beautiful the experience was. “I don’t need to catch a fish to get my limit of joy and pleasure!” “The fish were.t biting, a weather front was coming through, everyone else scared or caught the fish.” We have heard these stories many times.

The truth is that no one chooses to get skunked. Many measures the success of a day fishing by the size or limits of their catch, and oh it was also a nice day. Some skunked fishermen seem to accept and embrace getting skunked. Catching no fish is their new norm. To catch a fish would ruin their accepted routine and stories.

5 % 0f fishermen catch 95% of the fish. I can say this after a lifetime of witnessing kids, tourists and rookies succeed at getting skunked. In most cases they seem to already know how to fish. “How hard can it be? A fish has a brain the size of a pea. Anyone can catch a fish!”

Fishing and hunting are like everything else that we do. Learning is a choice that we make to become better or not. If you do not like getting skunked, learn how to not get skunked. Hire a fishing guide to teach you the ropes, or lines. A day on the water with a mentor will go a long way to help you grow as a fishermen or hunter.

Its ok to be ignorant about how to do something. Its stupid to choose to be ignorant. You Tube videos are great sources of information. Outdoor shops will also share valuable tips and tricks. Mentors can be found in local fishing clubs or along the shoreline. You cannot be learned; you must choose to learn.

Next time you get skunked, take the hint. Its time to raise your hand and ask for help. Sportsmen are generous and great teachers. You just have to ask.

PU! Don’t get skunked again.

Montana Grant

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