By Montana Grant

Posted: August 16, 2020

Watermelon and fishing go well together. Most fishermen prefer their melon seedless and chilled. The stores have full limits of wonderful watermelon ready for you to hook up.

Watermelon rinds are also good to feed your dogs and Koi. If you have a pond with koi in them, toss a ring of melon into their home. Dogs enjoy the nutritious sweet treat. On the river, you can haul a melon along in the cooler. When it is snack time, roll it out, cut it up and enjoy. No plates or napkins needed. Just rinse off in the river. If you get a seeded melon, it could be time for target practice. Please Social Distance when spitting seeds and don’t target each other.

If you have a fish fry, prepare a Melon Mouth Bass. You can cut and scoop out the melon and mix it with some berries, cantaloupe, apples, or strawberries. Toothpicks can secure any eyes or fins. Be creative and make it your own. Melons dry out quickly so keep it cool until ready to serve. I used to use the small melons for guide trip lunches. I made them ahead of time and had them in a small Styrofoam cooler until lunch. When you pull out you Melon Mouth Bass, along the riverbank, smiles and memories will follow.

Watermelon and fresh fruit are healthy and delicious. Plenty of good vitamins, moisture, and just plain tasty! The real question is, do you like your watermelon with or without salt?

It is all about presentation.

Montana Grant

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