By Montana Grant

Posted: September 13, 2020

We take bread for granted. It is just something that we can buy at the grocery aisle. Loafs and loafs are nicely packed and sliced right next to the jams. Jellies, and butters

Good luck packing loafs of bread to hunting camp. Too often these soft loaves end up smashed and ruined. As a camp cook, I know that nothing will wake up a crew of hunters better than fresh baked bread. Maybe Bacon is a close second.

Years ago, my friends and I flew into a remote Canadian lake. I took flour, yeast, and all the bread fixins. Our camp cook Frank was willing to bake bread. After a long day of catching walleyes, we came back to camp and smelled Frank baking bread. OMG! What a treat. I can still taste that fresh, warm bread. I am not even talking about his glorious morning biscuits!

You can avoid baking bread by using Boboli crusts. They are flat and sturdy. You can get them in Pizza size or smaller. They make wonderful pizza dinners when used on a grill, or Dutch Oven. The most rustic, but tasty bread I remember is Bread on a Stick! Back in my Boy Scout days, we would backpack and carry Bisquick. Once mixed into the bread recipe, we rolled and wrapped it onto a stick. The bread sticks were angled toward the fire and would be turned as they browned. Don’t forget the butter or a dipping sauce. Wonderful!

Civilizations have survived on bread for centuries. Fresh bread will help you survive your next hunting camp!

Montana Grant

For more Montana Grant, find him being crusty at

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