By Montana Grant

Posted: April 22, 2021

The area has been a flurry with fleets of drift boats and rafts trailering around the valleys. Everywhere I go I see a boatload of fishermen. The nice weather days are producing some good fishing and pressure, for this time of the year, is heavier than normal. Its time for people to get back to work so maybe that will change soon. These 3 Blue Ribbon Holy, Holey waters are getting close to their prime.


The water is green and after Sunday / Monday’s weather, it will cloud up for a few days. The river is cold and the fish a tad sluggish. Fishing is hit or miss. Best fishing is when the sun is out, and the temps are higher. Streamers allow you to cover more water. Find a size that gives the most attention and stick to it. Stinger hooks help with the short strikers. If nymphing, go flashy and trashy so the fish can see it. Pair up the nymphs. A San Juan Worm always gets a fish or two. Better fishing is ahead.


The upper river has been fishing well but it is cold. Dress for the weather. Hegben Lake has reduced its outflow to 800cfs in preparation for spring runoff. The lake is over 75% full and the snowpack, thanks to last weekends weather, is now over 90% again. Fishing below the Slide Inn means midges, worms, and flashy nymphs. Hares Ears and Princes will do the trick. The fish are moving into heavier currents when the weather is warmer and sunnier. Next week should see more BWO’s and maybe some small stoneflies.

The Lower is fishing well but has been crowded with boats and bankers. Black’s Ford access was stacked with trucks and trailers last Saturday. Maybe consider floating downstream. Fishing is the same and the lower fish tend to migrate from the Missouri.


The greenish waters of the river are from the cold more than Big Sky’s sewage discharge. The water is cold in the canyon. Fishing closer to 4 Corners is a better choice. Expect to have company from other fishermen on nice days. Everyone has cabin fever. Flows are around 400 cfs but will be higher due to the recent weather.

Stonefly and trashy nymphs are working. San Juan worms and egg flies are also producing. Streamers, out of the canyon can be fun on a warmer, sunnier day.

The BEST fishing is the kind you get to enjoy.

Montana Grant

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