By Montana Grant

Posted: July 29, 2021

Summer is Tick time. These blood sucking parasites are willing, and ready, to attach themselves to your critters, or mammals, and feast on your blood. Some Dog Ticks are as tiny as a pin head. Once engorged with blood, they become more noticeable.

Ticks find a way, when finding a host. These blind parasites climb up grasses, and plants, and hold out their front legs, waiting for a passerby to attach to. You can certainly use a tick repellant, to spray around your pant legs, shoes, or socks.

Usually, humans feel the tickling sensation from tick parades up your legs. Ticks can be removed before they latch on. For dogs, wildlife, and other mammals, ticks just burrow in for the long haul. Once they bury their head into your skin, they are there to stay.

Along with having gross bloodsuckers attached to your body, there are also several deadly diseases that ticks carry and spread. Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, and Lyme’s Disease are the most common.

Deer, and other mammals can become completely covered with ticks. It is not until cold weather sets in that the ticks die and fall off. Dogs also tend to be tick magnets. It is important to add a tick and flea collar to your pet. Talk with your vet about what brand is best for your area and animal.

To look for ticks on your dog, or your body, think about an insect that prefers a warm, moist, protected area. This means groin, tail, armpits, inside legs, between toes, elbows, and eyelids! If you allow the dog onto your furniture, eventually the ticks will be shared with you.

Once you locate a tick, use a pair of forceps to grab the tick’s head. You want to push into the skin so you can remove the whole tick, its head, and mouthparts. Bacteria and viruses are found in the tick’s mouthparts. If you try to smother the tick, or light its butt with a hot match, the tick often vomits before it withdrawals.

Once you have removed the ticks, don’t squeeze them. This can spread disease. It is best to burn them in a fire or drown them in the toilet, or water. If there is an infection at the bite site, use an approved vet, or Doctor, prescribed medicine to deal with it.

Guinea Fowl and free-range chickens love to feast on ticks. There are also some sprays that you can use to keep the ticks at bay.

Tick Checks are more than a Country song. Frequently look for ticks on yourself, and pets, before they have a chance to do their worst. This is best done outside, before you bring any parasites into your home.

Ticks Suck!

Montana Grant

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