East Gallatin River Hoot Owl Fishing Restrictions 8.2.22
By angelamontana

Posted: August 2, 2022

Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction from mile: 0 to 42 beginning August 2, 2022

East Gallatin River from the confluence with the West Gallatin River at Nixon Bridge the confluence of Rocky Creek and Bear Creek.

The hoot-owl fishing restriction, which prohibits fishing each day between 2 p.m. and midnight, will go into effect at 2:00 p.m.Tuesday, August 2 for the East Gallatin River from the confluence with the West Gallatin River at Nixon Bridge the confluence of Rocky Creek and Bear Creek.  Water temperature measured throughout East Gallatin River has exceeded 73 degrees Fahrenheit, meeting fishing restriction criteria (12.5.507, ARM). Additionally, water flow at USGS gauge 06048650 E Gallatin above Water Reclamation near Bozeman have continued to decline over the past week. These restrictions will remain in place until lifted by FWP administrative action when temperatures do not exceed 70 degrees for three consecutive days, or until September 15 (12.5.508, ARM) and when adequate flows are measured.

This fishing restriction replaces a previous fishing restriction implemented on July 27 for portions of the East Gallatin River from the mouth to Penwell Bridge Road (river mile 0.0 to 23.1).

To read the press release click here.


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