Fresno is 37% full. 519 cfs inflow and 99 cfs outflow. The reservoir is filling. The walleyes and northerns are scattered, mainly up shallow casing bait. The fishing will improve as the structured areas are beginning to flood. Walleye and northern fishing in the Milk River between the Fresno Dam and the weir area in Havre is excellent. Best tactics is live minnows in the holes especially below the dam, Big Sandy Creek confluence, Beaver Creek confluence, and above the weir in Havre.
[WATCH] How to Skin a Squirrel in Less than 2 Minutes
By angelamontana
Cow moose shot and left to waste near Plains
By Moosetrack Megan
Rainbow Trout Street Tacos with Pineapple and Bacon Jam
WEAR ORANGE!!! by Montana Grant
FWP electrofishing salmon for egg and milt collection–anglers should be aware!
2024 Fall Mack Days | Week 5 Results
Hunter rescued after shooting grizzly, climbing tree
Archery Antelope Success!
Helena Area Reservoirs Fishing Report 10.7.24
WOOLLY BULLY!!! by Montana Grant
Black bear with three cubs enters Lake City home, attacks 74-year-old
BOLO ALERT: Horseback Rider Missing in McMaster Hills Rec Area
Riley's Meats - Butte Wild Game Processing