
Benelli O/U (with Colonel Smoothbore)

In 1967, the Benelli™ motorcycle company be

NWTF is Giving Away Shotguns to Hunter Education Instructors

The National Wild Turkey Federation has announced

How about that 1.5 Gauge Shotgun? [VIDEO]

Jumping on the gun-talk bandwagon…in a posit

Shotgun Choice BR (with Colonel Smoothbore)

In a recent column, we discussed the process of pi

Shotgun Fires, Birdshot Injures Hunter

Let’s not put Montana in the news for stuff

Shotgun Recovered After Stolen 40 Years Ago

Have you ever had a firearm stolen and assumed you


The Ultimate Candy Store (with Colonel Smoothbore) 1.15.17

In past columns I’ve expressed my passion for sh

Dragon’s Breath Ammo Takes Your Breath Away

Have you heard of the shotgun rounds called Dragon

First Birds, Then and Now (with Colonel Smoothbore)

My dad had little interest in shotgunning when I w

The Perfect Shot? (with Colonel Smoothbore) 8.28.16

The upland bird hunting season starts in a few day


Preparation Now, Fun Later (with Colonel Smoothbore)

It’s one month to the opening of upland bird sea


A New Sweet Tooth (with Colonel Smoothbore)

I am an unabashed fan of the 16 gauge shotgun. I g


New Fun for the Ladies (with Colonel Smoothbore)

For years women have been forced to adjust to shot


A Big Green Birthday (with Colonel Smoothbore)

In an earlier column, we studied the history of Re


From Two Wheels to Two Barrels (with Colonel Smoothbore)

In 1967, the Benelli™ motorcycle company began m

Hear What a Silencer on a Shotgun Sounds Like [VIDEO]

As we are sure hunting with a silencer is illegal,

Man Arrested for Shooting Down Neighbor’s Drone

Have you heard of the New Jersey man who was arres

Shooting a 12 Gauge Shotgun with a Silencer

Have you ever wondered what a silencer on a 12 gau

Buy a Truck, Get a Shotgun

“Spring is still a few weeks away, but one F

“The Roots” -History of Trap Targets With Colonel Smoothbore

Today, when we think of the clay target sports, vi

Smoothbore Shooting School Shotgun Class Beginning April 26th

(photo courtesy of Colonel Smoothbore) The Missoul

Semi-Auto Trap Shotguns

  Continuing with our look at shotguns used f

Shopping for Shotgun Tips from Colonel Smoothebore

  There are an immense number of over/under b

The Over-Under Double Barrel Shotgun with Colonel Smoothbore

  In the last couple of weeks we have been st

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