Trump budget plan cuts $2.5 billion from Department of the Interior
By Moosetrack Megan

Posted: February 10, 2020

The Department of the Interior would face 16 percent budget cuts under the president’s proposed budget released today.


Here are highlights from the cuts:

“Funding Highlights:
• The Department of the Interior (DOI) conserves and manages natural resources and cultural heritage for the
benefit and enjoyment of the American people, provides scientific and evidence-based information about
America’s natural resources and hazards, supports safe and responsible development of Federal energy
resources, fosters rural prosperity, and honors the Nation’s trust responsibilities and special commitments
to American Indians, Alaska Natives, and U.S.-affiliated island communities to help them prosper.
• The 2021 Budget request for DOI prioritizes wildland fire risk mitigation, energy development programs, and
infrastructure improvements on public lands. The Budget eliminates funding for unnecessary or duplicative
programs while reducing funds below the 2020 enacted level for lower priority activities, including land
acquisition and various grant programs.
• The Budget proposes to eliminate line-item land acquisition projects funding, saving taxpayers $132 million
relative to the 2020 enacted level. Eliminating land acquisition projects funding would allow DOI to focus
resources on visitor services and facility repairs in existing national parks, refuges, and public lands, which
already encompass nearly 500 million acres.
• The 2021 Budget requests $12.7 billion for DOI, a $2.5 billion or 16-percent decrease from the 2020
enacted level, including changes in mandatory programs.”

The budget can be read here:

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