South Dakota Snowgoose Hunt
By Toby Trigger

Posted: March 5, 2016

Lance Jones and I travelled to South Dakota to hunt with Goosehog Outfitters for the opportunity to hunt snow geese.  After a full day of laying in ground blinds looking at literaly 15,000 geese of all sorts including snows, ross, canada, specklebellys, blues we had one good opportunity at our intended target.   If Canada geese and speckle belly geese season were open filling our limits would have been easy but these snow geese have been hunted for 5 or 6 months straight from Northern Canada to Arkansas and back making them one of Americas toughest waterfowl to successfully harvest.

Our guide called shots on birds that we estimated to be 70 yards or more above.  That’s too high by my standards.


Finally in late afternoon after circling several times a single blue color phase snow goose hovered at 55 yards and after a few booms, the goose dropped and was retrieved by a lab named Bell.

Thank you Bell!

There’s one day left to shoot but the experience of spending all day under a cloud of geese was worth the effort to get here!





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