By Montana Grant

Posted: July 19, 2018

Name 3 things that are welcome on any fishing trip. So, the other day my fishing partner Jawbreaker Joe and I are nearing our Yellowstone River take out. Fishing was good, but it was a long, hot day. As we rounded the last bend, we saw a couple teepees set up along the side of the river.

Now many of you are thinking that this story is already too good to be true. Everything I am saying is the honest truth.

There on the bank are two bikini clad maidens waving us over. Both are holding cold longnecked beers in their hands. “Can you guys please help us!”

Jawbreaker said, “we just have to see what we can do.” He backed the drift boat to the bank and kicked out the anchor. As he navigated toward the shore he counseled me about how Montanan’s always stop to help each other. What could possibly go wrong?

It seems that the Beer Packin Maidens had no bottle opener. The Salmon Fly beer, brewed by Madison River Brewing Co., requires an opener. Joe and I immediately started digging around our gear for an opener. JBJ finally pulled out a Leatherman multi-tool but the knife blade was stuck to the opener. It would not separate for use.

Finally, I remembered that I had a mini Leatherman in my emergency kit. The tiny opener did the trick and the beers were opened. The Bikini Babes offered us a cold one, but we were gentlemen first and needed to drive home to Bozeman. A safe choice had to be made.

Our good deed was completed. The Bikini Babes were no longer in danger of dehydration. Jawbreaker Joe and I were just shaking our heads and wondering what we would have done if we were still in our 20’s.

Oh well, fishing always comes first!

Montana Grant

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