The tournament is January 20, with the other activities for fishermen, families and kids happening from the evening of Friday, January 18 through Sunday, January 20. The schedule of events is generally the same as it has been, with the Kids Ice Camp classroom session being held at the Holiday Inn Conference Center before the kids go out to Hebgen Lake to get on the ice on Saturday morning.
Details for all the activities–and links for lodging, activities, meals and entertainment–are on our website. It has a new address: As always, we ask that you find snowmobiles, lodging, meals and activities in West Yellowstone on our Sponsor Page so you support our event’s loyal supporters!
Please spread the word–more teams, more money in the prize pot, as I always say! Get friends to join the fun and post about the tournament on the ice fishing forums you visit. Also, you can post pictures, questions and challenges on our tournament Facebook page where we post fishing and ice reports and other updates,
There are already 16 teams on the registration list, many fishing buddies you will recognize from past tournaments. Many of you have told us that second to the fishing at this tournament, being able to get together with other fishermen who love the sport is one of your favorite things about this annual event–so come hang out–and “talk Montana ice fishing”!
If you have any questions, send an email to this address and we will get back to you promptly.