By Montana Grant

Posted: November 28, 2020

Deer, Elk, and Moose have amazing olfactory senses. This means they can smell a hunter a mile away. Many hunters use cover up scents and sprays. They wash their gear and clothes in scent and detergent free cleaners. Urine, Earth, and masking scents are also popular.

Back in the day, we made our own scents from the Hooves and Tarsal glands of a fresh killed deer. Normally, these are thrown away but… Try saving the 4 hooves. Cut off the Tarsal glands found at the hock of the buck’s hind legs.

Place these Scent loaded parts into a nylon mesh bag. Tie the bag to a cord and drag them behind you as you walk. You can also divide the scents into 2 sacks, one for each foot and leave a drag as you travel to your stand.

Once at your stand, hang them off to the sides from where you are. The scent will attract deer and direct them to look away from you.

You can place these natural scents into a freezer bag and freeze them for later. Roadkill parts are an option, where legal.

These scents are natural and local. Since deer are gregarious critters, they like to keep company with other deer. They constantly smell for tracks. In this way, you and cover your trail and attract deer.

A Deer step in the right direction!

Montana Grant

For more Montana Grant, find him stepping lively at www.montanagrantfishing.com.

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