Kootenai River Fishing Report by Kootenai Angler 7.31.21
By angelamontana

Posted: August 4, 2021

Hitting up the Kootenai?

Here’s what we have for you!

Kootenai River Flow:  7,500 Cubic Feet per second 12-foot visibility, 55 degrees. Hatches of Summer have begun!

Koocanusa Inflow 8,000

Hatches: Tan Caddis, Pale Morning Duns, Craneflies, Little Green Chironomids, Hoppers and ants.

Effective Patterns 

Dry: All PMD patterns, Tan Elk Hair CaddisParachute Adams #14-20, Purple Haze #16-20,  Tan Stimulator #8 and 10, Griffiths Gnat, Chubby Chernobyls, Dave’s Hoppers

Nymph and Streamers: Da Bomb, Beadhead Prince, Pheasant Tail, Stones and Midge Pupa, Soft Hackles. Black/Olive Conehead Wooly Buggers, Sculpins, Pat’s Rubber Legs.

Fishing Report: Fish Dries all day long, hopper droppers also working well. Hard to not catch fish this time of year! If this report is not updated it is because all hands are on the water raising fish and taking names! We do have guide availabilities and please call the shop and leave a message if new don’t answer. We will get back to you.


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