By Montana Grant

Posted: September 26, 2021


Hunting and Fishing are not easy. There is nothing worse than reaching your favorite spot and realize that you forgot your license or gear.

On an archery bow hunt, I discovered that I forgot my bow quiver. We were hours from home, and I was screwed. Fortunately, I had some spare shafts in my case. I carried 3 broadhead shafts all day, separately from my bow.

Its on days when you forget something important, that something happens. On my no quiver day, I called a bull in for friend. A second bull was within 10 yards of me, but a huge pine separated us. Life would have been easier if I had the bow attached quiver. The spot I picked was next to a log, so I could rest my arrows. I may have been in a better spot if I did not make that choice.

Early morning risers are not often prepared. Smart sportsmen prepare for the next hunt before a beer, or bed. Relax after you have organized the gear for the next trip.

One boat Captain that I enjoyed fishing with required us to clean the boat at the end of the day. Everything was reorganized, sorted, cleaned, and ready for the next trip. You didn’t appreciate it until the next trip or when you had to get up early the next morning.

We all have good intentions. When we hunt with others, our choices affect others. On a elk horseback hunt, we mounted and began riding before daylight. A mile or so in, one hunter realized he had left his ammo at camp. He turned around to retrieve it. Several miles later, we stopped to wait for the no ammo buddy. As he finally plodded up the trail, we looked across the meadow and watch a herd of Bulls cross out of range. Had we been a group, we would have all tagged out.

If you have enough facilities and space, allow a table for each hunter to lay out their gear. New hunters could use some guidance. Maybe double check essential gear.

When we roll out of sack, in the wee hours, it takes us some time, caffeine, and finished routines to get ready. It is so easy to forget your gutting knife, ammo, optics/ range finder, water, snacks, etc.

Gear up before you go to bed, you will sleep better.

Montana Grant

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