By Montana Grant

Posted: September 8, 2022

They say that if you don’t like the weather in Montana, just wait 15 minutes and it will change.

This has been a hot summer. The weather for the entire state of Montana could be in a windy, story, 3-digit zone until Friday. Then the bottom falls out and temperatures will drop. 

Each season dove hunting is great until the first frost. Then the doves migrate south. Early elk hunting is harder when the weather is hot and smokey. Preserving game is harder until the weather cools. I can remember hunting in the snow during early September, in the high elk haunts.

We are still in major fire risk season. A few lightning strikes could set Big Sky Country ablaze. Be on the look out and have a plan if you need to evacuate.

This weekend, the cooler nighttime temps will be in the 30’s. Be prepared for these cool conditions. Consider your clothing, footwear, and camp. Think layers.

The game will also change their habits. Cooler weather and shorter days can really make the Rut become more active. This is a great time to hunt. If you do harvest a critter, the cooler conditions will allow you time to deal with it.

Also consider any garden needs. Frost will wipe out your garden vegetables. If it looks like the frost is coming, pull your tomatoes out by the roots. Hang them, inverted, in a garage or frost protected area. You can also pick all the green tomatoes and place them in paper bags. Throw in a few apples and close the bags up. The natural gas from the apples will be the catalyst to ripen the green tomatoes. This means fresh tomatoes for a few more months.

Squash and pumpkins can also be picked and stored for later use. Pull up your carrots and pick your crops. Canning or storage will preserve them for later use. Apples and fruit trees are best picked after the frost.

Montana will soon be a cooler place!

Montana Grant

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