ICE FISHING YACHTS!!! Chillin and Drillin Series #3
By Montana Grant

Posted: December 3, 2022

Moving around on the ice is hard. You may slip, fall, and stumble. If you are carrying a bucket of gear, things get even worse. Icemen often need a boatload of gear. Fish finders, seats, augers, ladles, tackle, bait, and shovels, and more. Having an Ice Yacht will keep you organized and make transport easier.

Some Icemen just grab a toboggan or a game sled and throw in their junk. These guys are rowboaters. Others design innovative upgrades to their sleds and make them more organized, comfortable, functional, and cooler. These are the Ice Yachters.

Ice Yachts evolve as we fish. Less is more for remote hike-in lakes. Other easy access lakes offer a boat ramp for bigger and cooler sleds. When we design our sleds, we must consider the length of our augers, rod holders, Height of the sides, length of the pull rope, bucket storage, where do you put the shovel, tackle box, snacks, gaff, ladle, and of course the fish. Using the   sled as your seat means that you already have a chair.

In an emergency, you can slide the sled toward someone that has fallen in and pull them back. If someone is injured from a fall on the ice, you can slide them to safety. Having all of your gear handy and organized makes for a more relaxed day of fishing.

Cruise on the ice in style!

Montana Grant

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