FWP News: Bear town hall meeting scheduled in Big Timber July 24
By angelamontana

Posted: July 12, 2023

Topics will include bear safety, conflict prevention and management

BILLINGS – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is hosting a bear town hall meeting at the Big Timber Carnegie Library Community Meeting Room (314 McLeod St.) on Monday, July 24, from 7 to 9 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Area landowners are encouraged to attend.

State wildlife officials will give a brief presentation on bear biology and management and provide information on bear conflict prevention at home and while recreating. There will also be an extensive question-and-answer period for the public to ask specific questions to local wildlife officials and game wardens.

As grizzly bear populations continue to expand across Montana, FWP hopes to engage local communities within likely grizzly bear range to share information on bear safety.

For more information on bear safety and awareness, visit: https://fwp.mt.gov/conservation/wildlife-management/bear/be-bear-aware

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