Here is this week’s ice fishing report:


Hey folks, this is Bart with Capital Sports with the weekly fishing report for the Helena area, we finally got some ice around.  It is on the big reservoirs. Not everywhere there is. There is some fishable ice on the Causeway on Har Lake, and some rainbows are being caught out there with—small tungsten jigs with maggots on them. And then we do have some ice. On the far South end of Canyon Ferry, South of the silos, I’m hearing three to five inches. And the guys are catching some of those down there as well, mostly on. Black woollybugger jigs tipped with some maggots, and we still have some good fishing in the open water below the Dam. The Ling fishermen are doing well fishing well on cut bait after dark and then folks fishing below the dams during the daylight hours, either with bait or with. Lures and jigs are doing pretty well on rainbow trout, so if you have any questions, stop in and visit us at capital sports for the latest information.
Central Montana Fishing Reports Ice Fishing Montana Fishing Reports