Live Radio Show on Fort Peck was a Black Jaw Success
By angelamontana

Posted: August 7, 2023

Bill Zarahdka The Salmon Slayer showed the MORS radio crew how he earned his nickname last Saturday. The Captain and Downrigger were joined by Mike Priske from Missoula for a live radio show on Fort Peck. During the show, they picked Slayer’s brain for some great salmon info.

And after the show, they recorded a podcast with the Slayer that will drop this Saturday.

The rest of the day, they slayed salmon catching 12 overall.

It’s was a great show, podcast and day of catching those big chinook salmon on Fort Peck Reservoir.

Thanks, Bill, for an epic day during time off!


New Podcast!

Riley's Meats - Butte Wild Game Processing