All these new abbreviations drive me crazy. LOL, WTF, BFF, LMAO, and so many more. Has the world become too lazy to type out the full words? Are people unable to spell the words completely? What if the abbreviations have a double meaning?
LOL could mean, “Lots of Laughs, Lots of Love, or Lots of Lures. It’s like we need to learn a new language. The Fear Of Missing Out can cause some texters great anxiety and poor communication. No one wants to Miss Out on an opening day or new fishing /hunting report.
Anglers and Hunters already speak in a new language. Here are some of their hidden translations and codes that you can use when afield or on the water.
BFF Best Fishing Friends
LOL Lots Of Lures
BYOB Bag Your Own Buck
ASAP A Salmon And Perch
OMG Order More Gear
BRB Big Really Big
IDK I Dig Keepers
MOFO More Outdoor Fishing Outings
BTW Bite The Worm
BBL Big Bass Lover
BFD Beautiful Fishing Diva
PDA Perfect Deer Antlers
TBA The Biggest Antlers
So next time you are out and texting to your friends. Teach them some new message shortcuts.
HFASS Have Fun And Stay Safe!
Montana Grant